Immigration law:
Residence / Settlement / Citizenship
- As your immigration lawyer we provide expertise in various aspects of immigration law. We regularly assist nationals from so-called „third countries“ outside the European Union, from other member states of the European Union and their families to prepare and organize their legal residence and visa-affairs in Austria. The residence permits and visas we have obtained on behalf of our clients include the purposes of University studies, incorporation, self-employed or employed professional activities as well as independent living in Austria. Further we also advise on family reunification.
- We have a long experience with the legal requirements for visa and residence permits (short-term visa, visa for specific purposes, red-white-red-cards, residence permits etc.) like proof of sufficient means sustenance, adequate accommodation etc. We know the formal specifications for the requisite proofs the consulate departments and immigration offices in Austria regularly demand, and with our experience may help you avoid unnecessary further inquiries and delays. Our efficient assistance and representation in the requisite proceedings preceding your relocation to Austria will help you save time and money.
Feel free to contact us today if you have questions on our valuable services in the context of visa, residence or naturalization in Austria!
Our expertise in various aspects of immigration law
Since the establishment of our law firm, we have been counseling and presenting 3rd-country-nation’s and European Union’s citizens in a visa and residence proceedings. We have assisted many clients find the most appropriate residence status and attended necessary application procedures. We may help you compile the necessary proofs and documents and guide you through the administrative proceeding swiftly and efficiently.
We have several years of experience in working with the Austrian embassies abroad, the immigration offices and residence authorities in Austria and the Austrian Public Employment Service (“Arbeitsmarktservice”, short: “AMS”).
We know the questions and challenges connected with the relocation and the establishment of residence in Austria, and have the adequate answers and solution.
Due to our year-long experience in all issues related to residence, settlement and eventual naturalization in Austria we may comprehensively advise on these affairs.
The acquisition of real estate (estates, apartments) by nationals from so-called “3rd countries” is subject to prior permission in most Austrian regions. We assist foreign nationals in the acquisition of real estate without legal risks and manage the necessary administrative procedures.
We can help Austrian citizens as well as foreigners questions regarding nationality/citizenship, e.g. in the context of special permissions to keep the Austrian naionality in case of adoption of another nationality.
Please find a short summary of Austrian legislation on visa and residence in some answers to frequent questions regularly asked in our consultations:
If you are looking for an immigration laywer in Vienna, feel free to contact us today if you have questions on our valuable services!
Attorney at law Dr. Georg Rihs
Your immigration lawyer in Vienna
Attorney at law Dr. Georg Rihs
Your immigration laywer in Vienna
Entry, residence, settlement
Entry, residence, settlement
Our Services:
For the entry into and the exit from Austria, 3rd country nationals require a visa. Nationals from other member states of the European Union and nationals from states with bilateral agreements on visa facilitations (e.g. Albania, Australia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, United States) are exempt from this requirement. The Austrian Alien Police Act (“Fremdenpolizeigesetz”, short: “FPG”) distinguishes between (short-term) entry visa and residency visa. Visa valid for a maximum of six months are regularly issued by the Austrian embassies or consulates abroad.
A stay of more than 6 months requires a residence permit. The Austrian Settlement and Residence Act (“Niederlassungs- und Aufenthaltsgesetz”, short “NAG”) provides for a variety of permits for diverse purposes and durations.
Residence permits
Practically important residence permits are, e.g.
- residence permit – student,
- residence permit for self-employed professions (e.g. (z. B. performance of projects or assignments in Austria),
- residence permit for special cases of employment (e.g. non-diplomatic staff of foreign embassies and international organizations in Austria),
- red-white-red card for highly qualified professionals (e.g. college graduates),
- red-white-red card for professionals in sectors of labor shortage (e.g. slaters),
- red-white-red card for the professionals (e.g. professional athletes and trainers),
- residence permit for close family relatives (family reunification),
- settlement permit without the permission to work (e.g. high net worth individuals of independent means),
- registration for nationals from another European Union member state,
- registration of family relatives and national from another European Union member state.
For any of these residence permits, a part of the general requirements (appropriate accommodation, sufficient financial means, the sickness insurance covering all risks) specific additional requirements apply.
Most of the residence permits providing access to the Austrian labor market are only granted after consultation and positive expert opinion of the Austrian Public Employment Service.
As a well-qualified employee or self-employed entrepreneur, you may acquire a red-white-red card to settle in Austria. If you wish to work for in Austrian employer on the basis of a red-white-red card for highly qualified professionals (e.g. college graduates), you need the support of an Austrian employer ensuring adequate payment. A red-white-red card for self-employed is issued to entrepreneurs whose investment in Austria creates jobs or otherwise benefits the Austrian economy, e.g. by the transfer of know-how to Austria.
After a period of 5 years of regular and legal settlement in Austria depending on a good German language skills, the foreign might apply for the residence permit “permanent residency – EU”.
From our experience, the variety of available visa and residence permits makes it difficult for the applicant to choose the best and most appropriate residence permit for the particular situation and interests.
We advise and assist you to find most advantageous residence permit for your personal and professional situation.
Following the grant of a residence permit, we may assist you with access to the Austrian labor market (red-white-red card, work permit, professional qualifications and try to register).
(See also trade law, work permits for foreigners, cross-border services)
Austrian citizenship
Acquisition of real estate by foreigners