We help you win your case!
Dr. Georg Rihs is your expert on administrative and public law, including immigration law, public commercial law, public procurement law, antitrust and environmental law.
Our reputation as one of Vienna’s leading boutique law firms is rooted in decades of experience, and numerous wins in front of Austria’s highest courts for our clients.
We are one of Vienna’s leading firms in administrative and immigration law. Our team has produced cutting edge research and publications in the field.
Find more information on our skillset here.
We take the necessary legal steps at the right time. Our work is transparent and cost saving. Our clients appreciate the results we deliver.
Find more information on our successes here.
We see legal work as a creative process. We set the highest standards for the perfection of our legal work and court filings.
Find out more on Publications and Successes.
We guarantee you quick and best-in-class legal advice!
Lawyers’ Ball 2024 – We were there
Opioid Maintenance Treatment: Success before the Constitutional Court
RIHS Rechtsanwalt GmbH
Kramergasse 9 | 3 | 13
1010 Wien
T +43 1 532 11 38
F +43 1 532 11 90
E office@rihs.law
I www.rihs.law
Monday to Thursday:
9:00-12:00 and 14:00-17:00
By appointment only