Tag Archive for: Publication

New edition of the commentary on the Austrian Citizenship Act: Co-author Dr. Georg Rihs comments on two paragraphs (§ 13 and § 14 StbG)

New publication of current commentary on the Austrian Citizenship Act

We recently received the new edition of the commentary on Austrian citizenship law Plunger/Esztegar/Eberwein, StbG2 (2023), hot off the press. This is now also available in well-stocked specialist bookshops (link to the publisher’s webshop).

On 1102 pages, the authors deal with all applicable provisions of the current citizenship law. Numerous references to the case law of the Administrative and Constitutional Court offer profound insights into this central and important legal matter. The authors comprehensively discuss the practice of the citizenship authorities and subject it to a jurisprudentially sound critique.

Dr. Rihs has co-authored a commentary on the provisions of § 13 and § 14 of the Austrian Citizenship Act. These two provisions allow persons who have lost their Austrian citizenship for certain reasons and stateless persons to (re)acquire Austrian citizenship.

The path to Austrian citizenship

According to the case law of the Administrative Court, the granting of Austrian citizenship should represent the conclusion and culmination of successful integration in Austria.

Applicants must apply to the competent citizenship authority for the granting of Austrian citizenship. The citizenship authorities only grant citizenship if an applicant fulfills all the requirements of the Austrian Citizenship Act (StbG). The administrative procedure that precedes the granting of Austrian citizenship is complicated and lengthy. An applicant for citizenship can help to shorten the duration of the procedure through good preparation and efficient representation.

Citizenship law is the subject of legal policy discussions. The legislator, the administrative courts and the authorities contribute to the constant further development of citizenship law.

We constantly represent clients before citizenship authorities, administrative courts and the Constitutional Court as well as the Administrative Court in citizenship proceedings.

Our profile in the area of citizenship law

We are constantly dealing with current topics in the legal areas of our specialization – including citizenship law. If time permits, we publish in these areas of law. Our articles in specialist journals and commentaries complement our practical work and help us to penetrate the legal matter to the benefit of our clients.

We are happy to use the knowledge and experience we have acquired for our clients and thus achieve ongoing success before authorities and courts.

Contact us for further information or an initial consultation. You can conveniently book an appointment via our homepage.


New Publication on the Subject of Energy Law Grid Operators’ Line Rights

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Georg Rihs has published an article in the professional journal Recht der Umwelt (RdU) on the subject of pipeline rights and easements of (electricity) network operators (link).

The article deals with the legal basis for the use of third-party land by electricity grid operators. In the past, network operators have often based their claims on the fact that they are “obvious easements” (lines, pylons) on the land of others. However, such easements are only granted to a specific person who exercises them. A legal succession or a change on the part of the electricity grid operator may lead to the expiry of this easement.

Case law also supports the assumption that private-law line rights/obligations do not automatically pass to a legal successor.

Landowners whose land is encumbered by lines can question the legality of the network operators’ line rights on their land.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about third-party pipeline rights on your land!

Long Duration of Proceedings in NAG Proceedings: Effective Protection?

Rihs: Effective Protection Against Undue Protraction of Proceedings [by Authorities and Administrative Courts] under the Settlement and Residence Act (NAG)? migraLex 2020, 42. (PDF-Version)

Time is money: Unfortunately, unpleasant delays occur every now and then, particularly in proceedings for residence permits under the Settlement and Residence Act (NAG). Although the general statutory decision period of 6 months and – in cases like student visas or red-white-red cards – even shorter decision periods apply to individual residence titles, procedures for grant of a residence title often take longer than the statutory period.

In a scholarly article written for the legal journal migraLex, Dr. Georg Rihs examines the question of the extent to which the protection against undue protraction of proceedings in Austrian General Administrative Procedure Law meets the requirements for procedures under the Settlement and Residence Act. Especially with regard to the requirements of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFR), the legal design of the protection against protractions and delays caused by an authority’s or court’s inaction is problematic in Austria. The legal remedies provided by the Austrian General Administrative Procedure Law to the administrative courts and requests for the setting of deadlines to the Administrative Court often – even conceptually – do not lead to the desired acceleration of proceedings.

The thorough examination of legal remedies for the enforcement of expeditious proceedings is important for our practical work as lawyers, because legal remedies for protection against undue delays must be used again and again in order to achieve and enforce the objectives of our clients quickly and within the required time.

The article also contains suggestions to the Austrian legislator to remedy defeciencies in the rule of law for the future and avoid practical problems in the enforcement of the law.

[Foto: needpix.com]

Prevention of Social Wages Dumping and the Employment of Foreigners in Austria – The ECJ-judgement Maksimovic: freedom of services and Charta of Fundamental Rights against Austrian Administrative Penalties Code

Prevention of Social Wages Dumping and the Employment of Foreigners in Austria: Rihs, Das EuGH-Urteil Maksimovic. Dienstleistungsfreiheit und GRC vs. VStG, bauauktuell, Verlag Linde, 2020, Heft 1, S. 12 ff i.e. The ECJ-judgement Maksimovic: freedom of services and Charta of Fundamental Rights against Austrian Administrative Penalties Code, Journal Construction Up-To-Date (bauaktuell), published by Linde (Link), 2020, 12

In the last edition of the Austrian legal journal Construction Update („bauaktuell“), published by Linde publishing house, Dr. Georg Rihs analyses the consequences of the ECJ-judgement Maksimovic on the punitive provisions in the Austrian Act on the Prevention of Social- and Wages Dumping („LSD-BG“) and the Foreign Employment Act („AuslBG“) as well as on the general rules on administrative penalty proceedings in Austria according to the Administrative Penalties Code („VStG“), especially the cumulation of penalties.

The Austrian courts are bound to implement the ECJ-ruling and apply the principle of cumulation with consideration to its limits under EU law. See also (Link).

For alleged perpetrators in administrative penalty proceedings based on alleged infringements of the Act on the Prevention of Social- and Wages Dumping („LSD-BG“) and the Foreign Employment Act („AuslBG“), the new case law provides for (further) arguments against (high) penalties.

We will gladly advise and represent you in pending penalty proceedings according to the Act on the Prevention of Social- and Wages Dumping („LSD-BG“) and the Foreign Employment Act („AuslBG“). We may also advise you in preparations for secondments and deployments of workers to Austria in order to prevent penalties.

Please contact us if you wish additional information, legal advise and representation in administrative penalty proceedings in Austria!

[Picture: Pixabay]

Presentation: Commentary on the Austrian Citizenship Act

On 10 July 2017, Georg Rihs was invited as co-author to a book presentation of a commentary on the Austrian Citizenship Act. Congratulations to the organizers and editors Helgo Eberwein, Balazs Esztegar und Martin Plunger.

Georg Rihs contributed as co-author to this publication, relying on his year-long practical experience with naturalizatino cases.

RIHS Rechtsanwalt GmbH will gladly advixe and assisst with its expertise in your planned naturalization in Austria!


PatG – Commentary to paragraph 30, 31, 32 Austrian Patent Act and paragraph 27 Austrian Act on the Implementation of the European Patent Agreement and the Agreement on the International Cooperation in the field of patents in Stadler/Koller (editors), Austrian Pa-tent Act. Commentary (2019)

The contribution to the commentary treats on the specific commercial regulations in the Austrian Patent Act. It comprehensively covers the respective case law and legal literature.

According to these regulations, patent holders enjoy special privileges/exceptions from the regular administrative commercial regulations (“commercial privilege”). They may operate their inventions commercially without a registration with the commercial register. The commented provisions (inter alia) regulate the legal requirements and settings for the compliant operation of this privilege by the patent holder.

In addition, the executive provisions of the Austrian Patent Act are commented on.

RIHS Attorney is proud to recur to their expertise in public commercial law and trade law as well as administrative law for this contribution to a comprehensive commentary on the Austrian Patent Act!

[source image: Linde publishing house]