About us
In the fields of law we are regularly dealing with in our office, we publish articles in Austrian legal journals. The publication of our experiences does not serve its own end. It includes an intensive research of the latest jurisdiction and literature and aims at contributing to the understanding and development of our jurisprudence.
On this site, you find a logical list of my publications. As the articles are published in Austrian journals in German language, I quote the German titles, followed by an English translation. If available you find the PDF-versions of the articles. For better accessibility I have summarized each publication with a few sentences in order to give you an impression of the focus of my publishing activities:
Doctoral thesis
Liberalisierung von Infrastrukturnetzen (2009). (Liberalization of Infrastructure Networks) Vienna: Braumüller Publishers.
In my doctoral thesis, I compare the liberalization in the telecommunications, the electricity and the railway networks operating in Austria. All these networks have been run by (nationalized) monopolies until there liberalization. I analyze the underlying European and national legislation and jurisdiction that led to the accessibility of the network infrastructure for new market operators.
Articles in Legal Journals
Ökostromförderung in Österreich aus gemeinschafts- und verfassungsrechtlicher Sicht, ÖZW 2006, 21, 34; i.e. State Subsidies for Renewable Energy in Austria from a European and Constitutional Perspective, Austrian Journal of Commercial Law (ÖZW) 2006, 21, 34.
Telstra and renewable energy act rules the funding, the priorities and modalities of subsidies of the generation of electrical power from renewable sources. The subsidies include financial aids for the construction and operation of renewable power plants. In this article I present the legal principles, especially the European and Constitutional restrictions to the funding of renewable energy.
Wer ist (nicht) systemdienstleistungsentgeltpflichtig? – Überlegungen zu ausgewählten Tücken des Systems der Systemnutzungstarife, RdU 2010, 7; i.e. Who is (Not) Obliged to Pay Network Service Fees? – Deliberations on Selected Malices in the System of Network Service Fees, Austrian Environmental Law (RdU) 2010, 7. (PDF-Version)
The electricity market relies on networks, electrical power is distributed via networks of electricity lines. The liberalization of the electricity market gave new market players access to the network infrastructures. This raised the question of attribution of capacities and sharing of infrastructure costs. In this article I present the various the costs of network infrastructure attributed to the market operators.
Energie und Umwelt, in Jaeger/Rumersdorfer (Hrsg), Jahrbuch Beihilferecht 10 (2010) 381 (gemeinsam mit Oder); i.e. Energy and Environment, in Jaeger/Rumersdorfer (Ed), Austrian Yearbook of Subsidy Law 10 (2010), 381 (in cooperation with Oder).
This article summarizes the important decisions in the fields of energy and environmental law on the European and on the national level in the year 2010.
Rechtswahl und Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen in Vertriebsverträgen, RdW 2011/199, Verlag lexisnexis; i.e. Choice of Law and Jurisdiction in Distribution Agreements, Austrian Journal of Economic Law (RdW) 2011/199. (PDF-Version)
Business partners, e.g. producers and distributors, operating in different jurisdictions frequently raise the question of the material law and the jurisdiction applicable to their business contracts. This article treats the limits to autonomous choice of law defined by the European Court of Justice and to Austrian rules on the conflict of laws.
Der „positive“ Feststellungsbescheid als Zulässigkeitsvoraussetzung für Schadenersatzklagen, ZVB 2011, 229, 271 (gemeinsam mit Hornbanger); i.e. The “Positive” Notice of Assessment as Requirement for the Admissibility of Tort Actions, Austrian Journal of Public Procurement and Construction Law (ZVB) 2011, 229, 271 (in cooperation with Hornbanger). (PDF-Version part 1, part 2)
Companies who successfully legally challenged the decision of a public contractor in tender proceedings may sue the contractor for damages at the civil courts. One of the requirements for admissibility of such damage claims is a prior note to self assessment including the assessment that the bidding company had „a real chance for award of the contract“. This article is dedicated to the necessary applications in proceedings following legal remedies against decisions of the contracting party and the consequences of successive amendments of the Austrian Public Procurement Act for the legal protection of bidders.
Überlegungen zur Unternehmenseigenschaft der österreichischen Krankenversicherungsträger, ÖZK 2011, 86 (gemeinsam mit Xeniadis); i.e. Considerations on the Legal Character of Austrian Public Health Care Bodies as Enterprises, Austrian Journal on Antitrust Law (ÖZK) 2011, 86 (in cooperation with Xeniadis). (PDF-Version)
Companies are bound to comply with the regulations of competition, especially the restrictions on cartels and the prohibition of an abuse of a dominant position on the markets. „Non-commercial“ activities, e.g. activities of an exclusively social nature, are exempt from these restrictions. This article analyzes the extent to which various fields of activities of the Austrian Public Sickness Insurances are exempt from cartel law.
Zur vertieften Angebotsprüfung durch den (Sektoren-)AG gemäß § 268 Abs 1 BVergG 2006, Entscheidungsbesprechung zu VwGH 25. 1. 2011, 2008/04/0082, RPA 2011, 139; i.e. Deepened Evaluation of Tenders by (Sectoral) Contractors, Review of the Administrative Court’s Decision 25.1.2011, 2008/04/0082, Law and Practice of Public Pro-curement (RPA) 2011, 139. (PDF-Version)
This comment on a decision of the Austrian Supreme Court deals with the obligation on sectoral contractors to perform a „deepened evaluation“ in case of inconsistencies of a tender. E.g, reasonable doubts with regards to the economic adequacy of offers result in an obligation to an „deepened evaluation“. The administrative courts have to consult official technical experts in case of doubts about the economic adequacy of office.
Ermittlungsverfahren vor der Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde – Vernehmung von Zeugen und Beteiligten, ÖZK 2011, 171 (gemeinsam mit Xeniadis); i.e. Investigations by the Austrian Federal Competition Authority – Questioning of Witnesses and Accomplices, Austrian Journal on Antitrust Law (ÖZK) 2011, 171 (in cooperation with Xeniadis). (PDF-Version)
The Austrian Federal competition Authority is invested with official powers to fulfill its functions. It may question witnesses and accomplices in the course of investigations. This article treats on the procedural framework for official hearings, especially under the Austrian General Administrative Procedure Act.
Zuständigkeit der UVS für Berufungen gegen “Rückkehrentscheidungen”. Besprechung von VwGH 31.5.2011, 2011/22/0097, FABl 3/2011-II, 24; i.e. Competence of the Austrian Supreme Administrative Courts for Appeals Against Return Decisions. Review of the Supreme Administrative Court’s decision 31.5.2011, 2011/22/0097, Alien and Asylum Law Sheets (FABl) 3/2011-II, 24.
The EC Directive 2008/115 on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals provides for legal safeguards country nationals. The Austrian Supreme Administrative Court ruled that Austrian entry bans are equal to return decisions in the sense of the directive and therefore the procedural safeguards need to be considered. In this especially results in the necessity of the decision of a tribunal (in this case: „Unabhängiger Verwaltungssenat“).
Die Bedeutung kartellrechtlicher Compliance im Zusammenhang mit Hausdurchsuchungen, ÖZK 2011, 220 (gemeinsam mit Xeniadis); i.e. The Impact of Antitrust Compliance in the Context of Dawn Raids, Austrian Journal on Antitrust Law (ÖZK) 2011, 220 (in cooperation with Xeniadis). (PDF-Version)
This article dwells on sensible measures for compliance with cartel law and the prevention of investigations/penalties by the Austrian Federal Competition Authority. Light is shed on the conditions for the assumption of „in alleviating circumstances“ in the context of penalties. It discusses the practical aspects relevant for concerned companies, e.g. advisable conduct in case of Dawn raids and the sealing of documents.
Hausdurchsuchungen im kartellrechtlichen Ermittlungsverfahren, in Matousek/Müller/Thanner (Hrsg), Jahrbuch des Kartell- und Wettbewerbsrechts 2011 (2011) 169 (gemeinsam mit Harsdorf-Enderndorf/Xeniadis); i.e. Dawn Raids in Antitrust Investigations, in Matousek/Müller/Thanner (Ed), Austri-an Yearbook of Antitrust- and Competition Law 2011 (2012), 169 (in cooperation with Harsdorf-Enderndorf/Xeniadis).
In his contribution to the Austrian Yearbook on cartel and competition law 2011 we discuss the most recent jurisdiction of the European Court of first instance, the Austrian Supreme Court and the cartel court in the context of Dawn raids. Besides the European and constitutional legal framework and legal competences of the federal competition Authority, practical aspects like accidental finds, the „legal privilege“ of attorneys and the impact of the concerned companies conduct in the investigations are shed light on.
EuGH: Aufenthaltsrecht von Angehörigen von Unionsbürgern. Entscheidungsbesprechung zu EuGH 15.11.2011, Rs C-256/11, Dereci ua/Österreich, migralex 2012, 30; i.e. ECJ: Right of Residence for Relatives of EU-citizens. Review of ECJ 15.11.2011, Rs C-256/11, Dereci et al/Österreich, Austrian Journal on Migration Law (migralex) 2012, 30. (PDF-Version)
This comment refers to a decision by the European Court of Justice involving Austria. The decision of the European Court of Justice served as a precedent in the interpretation of the Association Treaty concluded between the European Economic Area and Turkey in 1963. The decision of the European Court of Justice has a major impact on the applicability of the Austrian Residence and Settlement Act and the Austrian Foreign Labor Act for Turkish citizens. Additionally, close relatives of European Union citizens may derive a right to remain in Austria, especially if the European Union citizen would be de facto forced to leave the territory of the European Union.
Vergaberecht in der Praxis, in Kropiunik/Sabadello (Hrsg), Praxishandbuch Bau & Recht. Forum Verlag (Loseblattausgabe); i.e. Public Procurement Law in Practice, in Kropiunik/Sabadello (Ed), Construction & Law Manual (loose leaf edition).
The contribution contains a general and understandable digest of the public procurement legislation relevant for construction companies. The emphasized lies on the system of legal remedies against unlawful decisions by the public contractor in a public tender. The contribution is regularly updated and amended.
VwGH: Teilweise Unanwendbarkeit des NAG aufgrund des Assoziierungsabkommens EU-Türkei. Besprechung von VwGH 19.1.2012, 2011/22/0313 (Folgeentscheidung zu EuGH Dereci ua), migralex 2012, 63; i.e. Partial Inapplicability of the Austrian Code of Residence Permits Resulting from the Association Agreement Between the EEC and Turkey. Comments on the decision of the Austrian Supreme Administrative Court 19.1.2012, 2011/22/0313 [sequence of Dereci et al], Austrian Journal on Migration Law (migralex) 2012, 63. (PDF-Version)
This comment analyzes the repercussions of the decision of the Austrian Supreme Administrative Court implementing the decision of the European Court of Justice in the case of Dereci and others in Austria. The Supreme Administrative Court declares parts of the Austrian Residence and Settlement Act inapplicable for Turkish citizens.
Wer haftet für Flugverspätungen – Luftverkehrsunternehmen und/oder Flugplatzhalter? ZVR 2012, 276; i.e. Who is Liable for Flight Delays: Carriers and/or Airport Operators? Austrian Jour-nal on Transport Law (ZVR) 2012, 276. (PDF-Version)
This article dwells on the deacon liabilities for flight delays and resulting damages. The focus is on the question of a (sole) liability of the air carrier or an additional liability of the airport operator in special cases. Due to the regulations applicable to the airport operator and in default of a contractual relationship between the airport operator and individual passengers, the airport operator is not liable to damages in case of flight delays.
Ökostromgesetz 2012: Rückblenden und Schlaglichter, RdU 2012, 71; i.e. Austrian Renewable Energy Act 2012: Flashbacks and Highlights, Austrian Environmental Law (RdU) 2012, U & T, 71. (PDF-Version)
In 2012, numerous amendments to the Austrian Renewable Energy Act entered into force. The article describes the changes in comparison with the previous legal framework, with a focus on the regulations on funding and and operating aids for plant operators.
Ausnahmen von der Visumpflicht für türkische Staatsangehörige in der EU, migralex 2013, 21 (gemeinsam mit Sahinol); i.e. Exceptions from Visa Obligations for Turkish Citizens in the European Union, Austrian Journal on Migration Law (migralex) 2013, 42 (in cooperation with Sahinol). (PDF-Version)
The treatise concentrates on the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice on the so-called standstill-clause of the Association Council Nr 1/80 based on the Association Treaty between the European Economic Area and Turkey in 1963. It refers to impacts on the Austrian law of migration, especially to the visa restrictions.
“Hinreichend qualifizierter Verstoß” als neue materielle Voraussetzung für Schadenersatzansprüche, ZVB 2013, 138, 188 (gemeinsam mit Steiner); i.e. “Sufficiently Serious Breach” as Legal Requirement for Tort Claims, Austrian Journal of Public Procurement and Construction Contract Law (ZVB) 2013, 138, 188 (in cooperation with Steiner). (PDF-Version Teil 1, Teil 2)
The Austrian federal public procurement act provides for damages claims by skipped or otherwise damaged tenders if the public contractor has committed a „sufficiently serious breach“ of public procurement legislation. The term „sufficiently serious breach“ originates in European Union legislation. The article explains the substantial requirements for damages actions by tenders against public contractors.
Strom(eigen)erzeuger gefangen im Netz? RdU 2013, 42; i.e. (Self-)Producers of Power Caught in the Net? Austrian Environmental Law (RdU) 2013, U & T, 42. (PDF-Version)
„Self produces“ of electrical power may choose to supply the generated power directly to their customers using a direct line without utilisation of public distribution of transmission networks. The supply via direct lines may save the generator parts of the service fees connected with the utilization of public distribution or transmission networks.
Konzessionen und Public Private Partnerships in Albanien, eastlex 2013, 164 (gemeinsam mit Mema); i.e. Concessions and Public Private Partnerships in Albania, Law and Tax in Central and Eastern Europe (eastlex) 05/2013, 164 (in cooperation with Mema). (PDF-Version)
This short article introduces the new Albanian legislation on public private partnerships. This legislation defines the legal requirements for funding and the procedural framework for the implementation of public private partnerships in Albania.
Fastweb: (R)Evolution der Antragslegitimation? ZVB 2014, 5; i.e. Fastweb: (R)Evolution of the Legitimation to Legal Remedies? Austrian Journal of Public Procurement and Construction Contract Law (ZVB) 2014, 5 (in cooperation with Steiner). (PDF-Version)
Under the Austrian public procurement laws, unsuccessful tenders may challenge the decision of the public contractor only if they have not you and reason to exclude their offer from the procurement procedure. In a case set in Austria, the European Court of Justice has demanded exceptions to this rule set up by Austrian courts. The article analyzes the consequences of the judgment of the European Court of Justice on the Austrian system of legal remedies against public contractor‘s and decisions
Typologie der “Direktleitungen”, RdU 2014, U & T, 122; i.e. Typology of ‘direct lines’, Austrian Environmental Law (RdU) 2013, U & T, 122. (PDF-Version)
Die rechtliche Sonderbehandlung von Direktleitungen, insbesondere bei der Pflicht zur Zahlung bestimmter Bestandteile der Systemnutzungsentgelte, lässt es für Anlagenbetreiber attraktiv erscheinen, Abnehmer direkt zu beliefern. Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet die Voraussetzungen und die verfahrensrechtlichen Möglichkeiten zur rechtssicheren Beurteilung von Leitungen als Direktleitungen.
Versorgungspflichten und wettbewerbsrechtliche Regelungen betreffend den österreichi-schen pharmazeutischen (Voll-)Großhandel, RPG – Recht und Politik im Gesundheitswe-sen 2015, 21, 3, 80; i.e. Public Service/Supply Obligations and Competition Law in the Austrian Pharmaceutical Wholesale Market, Law and Politics in the Health Sector (RPG) 2015, 21, 3, 80. (PDF-Version)
The distribution of pharmaceuticals in Austria is heavily the regulated by public law restrictions. This treatise authorizes the structure of the Austrian pharmaceutical wholesale market. The focus is on the obligations of the wholesale traders, their obligations under public and competition law.
LSD-BG – ein Überblick aus vergaberechtlicher Perspektive; i.e. Federal Act on Wage and Social-Dumping Prevention an Overview from a Procurement Law Perspective, Austrian Journal of Public Procurement and Construction Contract Law (ZVB) 2017, 54 (in cooperation with Schweinhammer). (PDF-Version)
The article deals with the new legislation on the prevention of wage and social dumping. This legislation provides for diverse compliance measures, especially notifications and documentation by the employer. Infringements against the obligations may give reasons to exclusions from public procurement procedures in the future. The article gives an overview of the most important provisions with relevance for bidders and contractors.
Kommentierung §§ 13, 14, in Plunger/Esztegar/Eberwein (Hrsg), Kommentar zum Staatsbürgerschaftsgesetz (2017) 246; i.e. Annotation on §§ 13, 14 Austrian Citizenship Act, in Plunger/Esztegar/Eberwein (Ed), Commentary on the Austrian Austrian Citizenship Act (2017), 24.
The commented legal provisions of the Austrian Citizenship Act refer to facilitated requirements for the acquisition of Austrian citizenship for individuals who lost their citizenship under special circumstances (e.g. marriage) and stateless persons.
PatG – Commentary to § 30, 31, 32 Austrian Patent Act and § 27 Austrian Act on the implementation of the European Patent Agreement and the Agreement on the International Cooperation in the field of patents in Stadler/Koller (editors), Austrian Patent Act. Commentary (2019)
The contribution to the commentary treats on the specific commercial regulations in the Austrian Patent Act. It comprehensively covers the respective case law and legal literature.According to these regulations, patent holders enjoy special privileges/exceptions from the regular administrative commercial regulations (“commercial privilege”). They may operate their inventions commercially without a registration with the commercial register. The commented provisions (inter alia) regulate the legal requirements and settings for the compliant operation of this privilege by the patent holder.In addition, the executive provisions of the Austrian Patent Act are commented on.
Das EuGH-Urteil Maksimovic. Dienstleistungsfreiheit und GRC vs. VStG, bauauktuell, Verlag Linde, 2020, Heft 1, S. 12 ff; i.e. The ECJ-judgement Maksimovic: freedom of services and Charta of Fundamental Rights against Austrian Administrative Penalties Code, Journal Construction Update (bauaktuell), published by Linde, 2020, 12. (PDF-Version)
This publication, published by Linde publishing house (Link), analyses the punitive provisions in the Austrian Act on the Prevention of Social- and Wages Dumping („LSD-BG“) and the Austrian Foreign Employment Act („AuslBG“). The European Court of Justice has recently decided on an Austrian case in it’s judgement 12.9.2019, C-64/18 and others, Maksimovic. The ECJ’s ruling has consequences on the general Austrian Administrative Penalties Code („VStG“), especially the cumulation of penalties according to § 22 VStG. The Austrian Administrative Penalties Code needs to be amended and reconsider legal protection of accused perpetrators.
Wirksamer Schutz vor Säumnis in Verfahren nach dem NAG?, migralex 2020, 42; i.e. Effective protection against undue protraction of proceedings [by authorities and administrative courts] under the Settlement and Residence Act (NAG)?, Austrian Journal on Migration Law (migralex) 2020, 42. (PDF-Version)
In practice, the duration of proceedings in proceedings for residence permits is frequently a problem for applicants and clients. This article analyses the legal remedies available to our clients in terms of their effectiveness and presents suggestions for improving legal protection against lengthy proceedings.
Leitungsrechte/-dienstbarkeiten der Netzbetreiber, Sonderheft RdU U&T 2021, 7; i.e. Pipeline rights/ easements of the network operators, special issue, Austrian Environmental Law (RdU) 2021, 7. (PDF-Version)
Network operators of electricity grids repeatedly make use of private land by means of electricity pylons and lines. In doing so, they invoke line rights or easements under private law. This article analyzes the legal basis and case law of these legal institutions and identifies legal problem areas of land claims.
Notizen zum “Fortsetzungsantrag” im BVergG 2018 und BVergGKonz 2018, ZVB 2022, 430; i.e. Notes on the “continuation application” in BVergG 2018 and BVergGKonz 2018, Austrian Journal of Public Procurement and Construction Law (ZVB) 2022, 430. (PDF-Version)
In this article, we summarize our experiences and critical reflections on legal protection under public procurement law in continued declaratory proceedings before the Federal Administrative Court. It is based on a decision (blog post on the decision) of the Austrian Supreme Administrative Court (in German: Verwaltungsgerichtshof, short: VwGH) in proceedings conducted by us, which supports the legal position of our client in a procurement procedure concerning a service concession under the Tobacco Monopoly Act (in German: Tabakmonopolgesetz, short: TabMG).
Book Reviews
- Rezension von Lenzhofer, Parteienfinanzierung in Österreich (2010) JRP 2010, 79; i.e. book review of Lenzhofer, Financing of Political Parties in Austria (2010), Austrian Journal on Legal Policy (JRP) 2010, 79. (PDF-Version)
- Rezension von Eberwein/Pfleger, Fremdenrecht für Studium und Praxis (2011), ZfV 2012, 37; i.e. book review of Eberwein/Pfleger, Migration Law for Theory and Practice (2011), Austrian Journal for Administrative Law (ZfV) 2012, 37.
- Rezension von Kreuzhuber/Hudsky, Arbeitsmigration (2011), migralex 2012, 36; i.e. book review of Kreuzhuber/Hudsky, Labour Migration (2011), Austrian Journal on Migration Law (migralex) 2012, 36. (PDF-Version)
- Rezension von Oswald, Das Bleiberecht (2012), FABl 2/2012-III, 8; i.e. book review of Oswald, The Humanitarian Right to Stay, Alien and Asylum Law Sheets (FABl) 2/2012-III, 8.
- Rezension von Schumacher/Peyrl/Neugschwendtner, Fremdenrecht (2012), migralex 2012, 108; i.e. book review of Schumacher/Peyrl/Neugschwendtner, Immigration Law (2012), Austrian Journal on Migration Law (migralex) 2012, 108 (in cooperation with Eberwein). (PDF-Version)
- Rezension von Hammer/Kolonovits/Muzak/Piska, Besonderes Verwaltungsrecht (2012), ÖJZ 2013, 94; i.e. book review of Hammer/Kolonovits/Muzak/Piska, Material Administrative Law (2012), Austrian Legal Journal (ÖJZ) 2013, 94 (in cooperation with Eberwein).
- Rezension von Stern, Rechtsberatung für Asylsuchende (2012), migralex 2013, 35; i.e. book review of Stern, Legal Counsel for Asylum Seekers, Austrian Journal on Migration Law (migralex) 2013, 35. (PDF-Version)
- Rezension von Huber, Grundsätze des Verwaltungsverfahrensrechts (2012), AnwBl 2013, 732; i.e. book review of Huber, Principles of the Law of Administrative Procedure (2012), Austrian Journal of Attorneys (AnwBl) 2013, 732. (PDF-Version)
- Rezension von Bergthaler/Grabenwarter, Musterhandbuch Öffentliches Recht (2013), AnwBl 2014, 84; i.e. book review of Bergthaler/Grabenwarter, Manual Public Law (2013), Austrian Journal of Attorneys (AnwBl) 2014, 84. (PDF-Version)
- Rezension von Peyrl/Neugschwendtner/Schmaus, Fremdenrecht (2017), migralex 2017, 58; i.e. book review of Peyrl/Neugschwendtner/Schmaus, Immigration Law (2017), Austrian Journal on Migration Law (migralex) 2017, 58 (in cooperation with Eberwein).
- Rezension von Dillinger/Oppel, Das neue BVergG 2018 (2018), ZVB 2019, 232; i. e. book review of Dillinger/Oppel, The New Public Procurement Act 2018 (2018), Public Procurement Law and Building Contract Law (ZVB) 2019, 232. (PDF-Version)
- Rezension von Schön/Strauss, Leitfaden Zivilverfahren (2022), Nova & Varia 3/2022, 101; i. e. book review of Schön/Strauss, Guide to Civil Proceedings (2022), Nova & Varia 3/2022, 101. (PDF)
- Rihs, Mehr Biss für die Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde, Rechtspanorama, Die Presse, vom 13. Mai 2012, i.e. More Bite for Austria’s Competition Authority, Die Presse, May 13, 2012. (Link)
- Rihs, Warum die Saudi-Schule in Betrieb ist, Rechtspanorama, Die Presse, vom 3. Oktober 2016, i.e. Why the Saudi School is Operating, Die Presse, October 3, 2016. (Link)